The premise for this device is as follows:
As cool as this project sounds, it was never deployed in production; but a prototype was made!
Due to the number of lines each seven segment requires, I implemented a MM74HC595M-ND shift register! Using this particular shift register the way I have it configured, I can control a monstrous seven lines with a mere three. What's even better is that if I hooked up all three displays, I could chain these shift registers on the three control lines for giga-loads of control.
The brains behind the prototype are the Teensy 2.0 from PJRC. Despite the fact that the Teensy platform is Arduino compatible, I enjoy programming microcontrollers from their data sheets in C...because that's how I started out.
Moving on to the brawn behind the high amperage lighting we find a beautiful MOSFET; the IXTA8N50P-ND. The final number of lighting segments on the project was to be determined during prototyping, so I wanted a MOSFET I knew would handle a lot that could be triggered from our 5V based microcontroller.
It was disappointing that this project never went into production, but it is fun to run the prototype non-stop some days. I am pretty sure my neighbors wonder what the blinding red flashing light is every half minute. The prototype was setup to run in a continuous test cycle to ensure the stability of the system. It has run without problems for over half a year so far!
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