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Quick No Hassle PlpgSQL Stored Procedure Debugging

Thur, 15 Mar 2018 21:52:51 EST

Of all of the open source databases; PostgreSQL has always been my favorite. I have used it on several projects, and it has always proven reliable. Recently, I have been working on increasingly complex stored procedures. During development, it can be difficult to determine error states. A quick way to print output that will be visible is to utilize the raise notice statement.
It works very similar to print statements in other programming languages. For example:

raise notice '% %', declared_variable_1, declared_variable_2;

Will print the values of declared_variable_1 and declared_variable_2.

Charles Palen has been involved in the technology sector for several years. His formal education focused on Enterprise Database Administration. He currently works as the principal software architect and manager at Transcending Digital where he can be hired for your next contract project. Charles is a full stack developer who has been on the front lines of small business and enterprise for over 10 years. Charles current expertise covers the areas of .NET, Java, PHP, Node.js, Javascript, HTML, and CSS. Charles created Technogumbo in 2008 as a way to share lessons learned while making original products.


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